Marjana manages SPAR Slovenia’s flagship INTERSPAR Citypark Hypermarket in Ljubljana, which employs 170 people – a role she has held for the last four years. She is an ambassador for people development and innovation, which is shown by INTERSPAR Citypark being a store of choice when it comes to company trainees. Many initiatives are first trialled in this store and learnings are taken for roll-out to other stores within the portfolio.
The Store Manager “People’s Pick” contest went live on Monday 22 April and closes on Friday 26 April. We kindly ask for your support by voting for Marjana between now and 26 April via FMI’s Store Manager Awards People’s Pick page. Please select Marjana’s page and scroll to the bottom to make your vote count!
Awareness of this competition can be seen on FMI’s social media channels: Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Marjana stands to win not only an award personally, but also a cash prize which will be used for a store celebration for the team. You can read more about Marjana’s nomination on the FMI Store Manager Awards site or in our Contact International magazine.
The winner will be announced at the Future Leaders eXperience on Tuesday 14 May in St. Louis, Missouri and will also be shared on FMI’s Facebook page. SPAR has won this award for the past two years and we aim to continue this winning streak!