With a sales area of approximately 4,200m2, the INTERSPAR Hypermarket offers a huge range of products, from oven-fresh bread and pastries, to locally-sourced fruits and vegetables, as well as more than 400 vegetarian and vegan foods. Above all though, personal service is key.
Run us through your average day at work
I usually start my day by walking through the store before we open. I use this time to talk to my divisional and department heads, making sure everything is ready on time and products are arranged attractively. After this, I tackle some daily admin, replying to emails, processing invoices and checking sales figures from the previous day. Throughout the day, I take time to talk to my colleagues on the shop floor, making sure everyone is happy and motivated, and all customer needs are taken care of.
What are the key challenges of your role?
The biggest challenge we face in the grocery retail industry is the constantly changing needs of our customers. On the plus side, no day is the same and you never know what to expect. Our offer instore is now being actively linked to the INTERSPAR online platform. Customers can buy or reserve products in the online shop and pick them up from the store, or make an online order instore and have the goods delivered directly to their home. It is amazing how well these services have been received by our customers. These kinds of changes, while challenging, keep things exciting.
What is the most rewarding part of your job?
The best part of my job is seeing colleagues work together to achieve success. This team spirit and cohesion can be a real driving force, motivating each department to do their best.
To read the rest of the article, first published in our quarterly magazine Contact International, click here.
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