DESPAR Partner Ergon makes waste recycling easy and attractive

October 19, 2016 IN THE CATEGORY: Environment, Responsible retailing

  • SPAR Partner Ergon has introduced a scheme to encourage waste recycling

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  • A trash compactor near the entrance of an INTERSPAR store of our partner Ergon

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It is increasingly common in Italy for recycling to be available at supermarkets. DESPAR Partner Ergon has partnered with the local environmental organisation Ricicla Ragusa, to make available two trash compactors for plastic bottles and detergent containers at INTERSPAR Le Dune in Ragusa and EUROSPAR in Marina di Ragusa in Sicily.

Consumers have welcomed the possibility to be more active in environmental issues and the easy location of the recycling facilities is much appreciated. Furthermore, SPAR customers receive a discount voucher against each bag of waste submitted, which they can directly redeem at the checkout. Customers who scan their National Healthcare card when recycling plastic waste can also obtain a reduction on municipal waste collection tax.

For each plastic bottle which is recycled, a 2 eurocent discount is earned at the check-outs. Greater recycling results in greater discounts which encourages even more participation.

“Our group has introduced this innovation at a supermarket level for the first time in the Ragusa province”, explains Concetta Lo Magno, marketing manager of Ergon group. “It offers Ragusa inhabitants an opportunity to obtain discounts on their local taxes and at the checkouts of our SPAR stores. Ergon group is always committed towards meeting the needs of the local communities and protecting the environment.

“For years, Ergon has implemented a ´green project´ through a number of policies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. For example, on the roof of eleven SPAR stores, solar systems have been installed which generate the energy that is being used in the stores themselves. Morover, we have installed charging units for electrical cars at our car parks,” he added.

Mr Zanotto, the member of the Ragusa City Council in charge of the Environment, praised the commitment of DESPAR Ergon, which is in line with the drive of the City to roll out a variety of waste collection schemes throughout the urban area in the near future.

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