Best in class – SPAR Vollbadgasse: Contact International

May 13, 2024 IN THE CATEGORY: Store openings

SPAR Austria is a pioneer in climate-friendly supermarkets and relies on technologies that ensure energy-efficient operations, minimising the climate impact in all new stores. Another innovative, climate-friendly concept has come from the opening of the new SPAR Vollbadgasse Supermarket in Vienna.

For the first time, a new climate-friendly energy concept has been implemented at SPAR Vollbadgasse. This solution presents the supermarket as a sustainable local supplier for all residents and businesses of the building complex.

The SPAR Supermarket has a combined refrigeration system, which is used for the deep-freeze and refrigerated cabinets. In the past, the unused waste heat from the combined refrigeration system in the supermarket was released into the environment through a recooling system on the roof, rather than being reused. However, a new solution has been created and implemented. The unused waste heat generated from the SPAR Supermarket is now regenerated to heat the store. It is also turned into energy for the neighbouring businesses and apartments in the building complex.

In our most recent issue of Contact International, we highlight this best in class store and its innovative, climate-friendly solution. To read this feature, and more from Contact International issue 1 for 2024, click here.

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