Supporting local cleanups throughout the SPAR retail network

September 20, 2024 IN THE CATEGORY: Environment, Responsible retailing

On World Cleanup Day 2024, we highlight some of the local cleanup initiatives undertaken by SPAR country organisations, ranging from retailer community cleanups in Zimbabwe to river and coastal cleanups in Slovenia.

Community clean-ups

As a retailer with roots embedded in the local community, SPAR Zimbabwe organises monthly clean-ups for two hours on the first Friday of every month. SPAR Supermarkets around the country mobilise community members and other stakeholders to participate in this monthly cleaning initiative.

As well as keeping the local community clean, the aim of the initiative is to also teach staff and stakeholders about the importance of keeping a clean environment, as well as separating waste. The waste collected is split between recyclable material in green bags while other non-recyclable materials go in black bags.

From June to September 2024, 1,912 black and 503 green bags were collected, holding approximately 48,300kg of waste.

River and coastal cleanups

SPAR Slovenia demonstrated its ongoing commitment to environmental policy by meeting with divers, fishermen, firefighters and volunteers again for the 33rd annual Ljubljanica River clean-up on 20 April. Nearly 1,000 kg of waste was collected in this commendable effort. SPAR Slovenia has cooperated with the Slovenian Diving Association since 2017, striving to preserve the natural habitat of local rivers and lakes.

Additionally, SPAR Slovenia has teamed up with the YouSea Institute to protect the Slovenian coast and its biodiversity. Their long-term goal is to preserve fish populations and other marine life. Together, they clean up sea meadows in the Slovenian Sea, supporting efforts to maintain marine biodiversity.

Waste collection tours

For the sixth year in a row, SPAR Denmark supports the national environmental organisation Ren Natur (Clean Nature). Founded in 2018, Ren Natur organises waste collection tours across Denmark, encouraging local associations to volunteer. This year, over 100 SPAR branded stores served as gathering points for local associations. SPAR Denmark also donated DKK2,500 (approximately €335) to each participating association’s club funds.

Source: SPAR Denmark, SPAR Slovenia, SPAR Zimbabwe

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