The Recycling Lottery project has been introduced to most SPAR stores in the country. Customers “playing the lottery” stand the chance of winning up to 1 million NOK (approximately 100,000 Euros). All of the proceeds go to the Red Cross, SPAR Norway’s charity of choice.
The Director of SPAR Norway, Ole Fjeldheim, recently met the President of the Red Cross, Sven Mollekleiv, to hand over the check of 2 million NOK. Accepting the check on behalf of the Red Cross, Mr Mollekleiv said: “I want to thank both customers and SPAR for supporting us through this recycling lottery. The funds have gone towards humanitarian efforts locally and towards strengthening international relief efforts worldwide.”
SPAR Norway is pleased to have provided support to the humanitarian aid organisation. Another bonus has been the positive environmental aspect of getting more people to recycle. “The programme has benefitted customers, the Red Cross, the environment and our stores. It’s a win-win situation for all parties involved,” said Mr Fjeldheim.