SPAR Netherlands launches deposit pilot at university stores

September 30, 2024 IN THE CATEGORY: Environment

SPAR Netherlands and Statiegeld (Deposit) Nederland announced the launch of an innovative deposit system pilot (Statieheld) at three SPAR university stores. The stores are based at the Hogeschool in Utrecht, TU in Eindhoven, and the Erasmus University in Rotterdam.

This initiative introduces deposit machines utilising the model of the reverse vending machine as a system. The term ‘statieheld’ (deposit hero) portrayed on the machine is a play on words with ‘statiegeld’ meaning deposit money. The machines provide students with a seamless and environmentally friendly way to recycle deposit bottles and cans. This pilot is a significant step promoting social responsibility within the retail sector.

Following the success of earlier implementations at two SPAR supermarkets, the pilot expands the initiative to three SPAR university stores and the SPAR Supermarket located on the Nieuwe Doelenstraat in Amsterdam. This reflects SPAR Netherlands commitment to sustainable entrepreneurship and supports the growing movement toward greener business practices.


The deposit machines are designed to be quick, accurate, and convenient. By scanning products efficiently, they enable users to receive their deposit directly into their account via Tikkie, fitting perfectly with Generation Z’s on-the-go lifestyle and requirement for sustainability. Located in high-traffic areas, the machines make recycling more accessible and faster than before. Users also have the option to donate the amount to a charitable cause.

Innovative Technology 

The vending machine technology is provided as a service, allowing SPAR retailers to enhance machine efficiency and streamline maintenance without owning the systems outright. This cutting-edge approach ensures SPAR Netherlands can offer top-quality recycling solutions with minimal operational burden.

Sustainable Deposit System

The pilot aims to make deposit collection at university locations more sustainable for both consumers and SPAR retailers, contributing to a more responsible environmental footprint. Over the next six months, the pilot will be evaluated to measure its impact on customer satisfaction and operational performance. The positive feedback already received highlights its potential and future expansion will depend on the outcome of this trial. The findings will also inform a possible roll out of the system to additional locations.

Source: SPAR Netherlands

Read more about SPAR Netherlands

About SPAR Netherlands

The SPAR brand was founded in the Netherlands in 1932 by the Dutch wholesaler Adriaan van Well. It was established as a voluntary chain of grocers under the name DESPAR – an acronym of a slogan created by van Well to describe the organisation: Door Eendrachtig Samenwerken Profiteren Allen Regelmatig. SPAR Netherlands’ main distribution centre supports licensed independent retailers operating throughout the country.

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