“This year, we will exceed the historic sales mark of half a billion euros with SPAR Natur*Pur products. Nobody would have expected our sales reaching this level when the first ten organic dairy products were introduced 25 years ago”, said SPAR Austria CEO Dr. Gerhard Drexel. Today, the range comprises 1,050 products, forming the largest single brand within the entire product group of 3,500 organic items on offer in SPAR Austria’s stores.
Dr. Gerhard Drexel attributes this success to a set of factors: “On the one hand, we clearly rely on regionality. About 10.000 Austrian organic farmers supply the raw materials for our own organic brand and we work intensively with Bio Austria, the largest Austrian organic governing body.”
“On the other hand, we work with Austria’s most popular advertising stars for SPAR Natur*Pur. Mirjam Weichselbraun, who was recently named the Austria’s most popular TV presenter, has been our brand ambassador for 14 years. The cooperation with the Austrian Ski Association and the local ski stars Hannes Reichelt and Michael Matt is entering its tenth year”, Gerhard Drexel added.
“Best product quality, regional partnerships with manufacturers coupled with a sympathetic brand appearance are an unbeatable concept for success”, Gerhard Drexel concluded.
Source: SPAR Austria
Read more about SPAR in Austria
About SPAR Austria
The origins of SPAR in Austria date back to 1954, but the current SPAR AG was created in 1970 when the original founding families joined with other regional wholesalers to form SPAR Austria AG – a 100% privately owned Austrian company.
With licences granted by SPAR International, ASPIAG (Austria SPAR International AG) has developed SPAR in Slovenia, Hungary, Croatia, and Northern Italy.