SPAR Ireland sponsors weight training videos for women

January 18, 2018 IN THE CATEGORY: Health, Responsible retailing, Sport sponsorship

SPAR Ireland has announced its sponsorship of a new series of online videos called "In Training…with Vogue", presented by DJ and social influencer, Vogue Williams. In the videos, Vogue speaks to professional female athletes about how weight training has helped them improve their overall fitness and receives tips from the athletes on weight training techniques.

The series of 12 videos will run on and through social channels until 25 March. The videos of between 1 – 2 minutes in length aim to celebrate strong women and in each video, Vogue will meet with one of the athletes to learn some new skills and encourage consumers to get fit and tone up. The videos will also bring a new type of messaging to the SPAR Better Choices campaign.

SPAR Better Choices offers customers a varied range of healthy and convenient options, from across the fresh food, deli and grocery ranges. The initiative also caters to customers with varying nutritional needs with low fat, high protein, and gluten free products on offer.

 According to Anne Gallagher, SPAR Ireland’s Marketing Manager, “SPAR is delighted to be sponsoring In Training…with Vogue. The overall idea behind this is that we want to link up healthy eating through our established SPAR Better Choices initiative and also introduce weight training inspiration to encourage women in particular to choose a positive alternative for their health and wellbeing.”

SPAR Better Choices has helped to redefine and revolutionise its offering over the past two years to customers across a range of over 250 products, whatever their health preferences may be, in response to changes in Irish consumers’ lifestyle choices. Eating on-the-go has traditionally meant a limited choice with little information available on nutritional content. SPAR Ireland launched SPAR Better Choices to ensure eating in a hurry doesn’t mean compromising on health.

The video series:

Episode 1: All over upper body strength
Episode 2: Fat burn with weights
Episode 3: Chest and Triceps
Episode 4: Isolated Abs
Episode 5: Partner workouts
Episode 6: Back and biceps
Episode 7: Full body dumbbell workout
Episode 8: Isolated Glutes
Episode 9: All over lower body strength
Episode 10: Deadlifts
Episode 11: Back squats
Episode 12: Butt and thigh

About SPAR Ireland

SPAR Ireland was established in 1963 and is operated by leading wholesale and retail company, BWG Foods. With a presence in every county across Ireland, SPAR is one of the country’s largest convenience retail groups. It operates three of the four SPAR formats: SPAR, EUROSPAR and SPAR Express, bringing consumers the most innovative products and instore offerings.

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