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Download imageSPAR Hungary is committed to supporting domestic producers, products, and innovations. The ‘Hungaricool’ product competition was launched in 2019 to make Hungarian products, either newly developed or existing ones, widely available in their retail outlets across the country.
Quality is an important aspect, but so are novelty, uniqueness, healthiness, and marketability of the competing product. The winning products are sold in INTERSPAR Hypermarkets and through SPAR Hungary’s e-grocery platform. During the past three ‘Hungaricool’ competitions, 26 winning entrepreneurs had the chance to sell over 100 products in SPAR Hungary’s stores.
“The goal of the ‘Hungaricool’ product competition is to identify and support small-scale Hungarian producers, offering them the chance to sell their unique and exciting products that respond to market demands in our stores and online. As business mentors, we also provide marketing support to the winners through the SPAR Supplier Academy”, explained Gabriella Heiszler, CEO of SPAR Hungary.
The SPAR Supplier Academy provides winners with ongoing mentoring in quality management, marketing, and logistics. The academy’s primary objective is to provide small Hungarian businesses with brand-building knowledge that will stimulate further product development and benefit them in other areas of life.
Further information and applications: https://hungaricool.hu/
Source: SPAR Hungary
Read more about SPAR Hungary.
The first SPAR Supermarket opened in Hungary in 1992, following the acquisition by ASPIAG (Austria SPAR International AG) of a majority stake in General Kereskedelmi Rt. Since its launch, SPAR Hungary has been actively involved in developing the country’s retail industry.
The licensing of independent retailers to operate the SPAR Brand in Hungary has proven successful. The retailers benefit from access to SPAR Own Brand products and expertise, while consumers enjoy the increased number of store locations. SPAR Hungary is one of the country’s largest employers, with nearly 18,000 team members. SPAR Hungary runs a network of over 610 company-owned and independently-run stores. The retailer’s online platform is available in Budapest and over 50 surrounding municipalities.