Tell us more about your store and your role
SPAR Nore Neset is located in the village of Hagavik in the west of the country. It has a sales area of 700m2 and stocks a large assortment of top-quality local and international products. Thanks to our competitive prices and fantastic promotions, we have built up a loyal customer base. It’s always nice to see familiar faces on a daily or weekly basis.
My job is very versatile and no day or week is the same. Typically, my days are filled with customer service support, order management and meetings with suppliers and employees. Campaign planning also takes up a lot of my time. To stay ahead of the competition, my team and I work hard to launch new and innovative promotional campaigns on a regular basis.
As any retailer knows, in this business new challenges can occur at any moment. As such, it’s important to be able to make quick decisions, think on your feet and delegate tasks along the way. It’s also important to me to be as engaged as possible with my team. For this reason, you’ll regularly find me on the shop floor, interacting with customers and making myself available to assist where needed.
What are the key rewards of your role?
I love people, so I get a great sense of satisfaction and reward when customer needs are met. Equally important, are the needs of my employees and suppliers. To ensure everyone is happy and motivated, I spend a lot of time trying to enrich my skills as a manager. A great source of help, I have found, has been the contact I have with other SPAR store managers, from whom I have learnt a lot. When going through a challenging time, it’s great to be able to reach out to a trusted colleague to exchange ideas and experiences.
To read the rest of the article, first published in our quarterly magazine Contact International, click here.
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