DESPAR Italia’s own brand range implementation: Contact International

April 30, 2024 IN THE CATEGORY: Own Brand and Suppliers

A key focus for SPAR country organisations is the development of SPAR Own Brand product ranges which deliver on current trends, meet shoppers’ needs, and make a positive impact on the assortment available in SPAR stores across the network.

DESPAR Italia has successfully implemented an extensive own brand range of approximately 3,600 products across 16 ranges, covering different price points and product categories. DESPAR Italia own brand ranges accounted for about €1 billion in sales in 2023, a 12.8% increase compared to the previous year. In 2023, DESPAR Italia reached an own brand share of 22.4% of total sales in the Italian grocery sector, and the goal is to reach 25% by 2025.

In our most recent issue of Contact International, we highlight the implementation of the DESPAR Italia own brand assortment. To read this feature, and more from Contact International issue 1 for 2024, click here.

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