Following an agreement between DESPAR Sicily licence holder, Ergon, and Ferry operator, Caronte & Tourist, the ferryboat Zancle is sporting a new look – welcoming visitors on board with the bright red and green colours of the DESPAR Brand.
Ergon already has a strong presence in the lives of many people on the island, both residents and tourists, with a network of stores that offer great value and quality products. The DESPAR-branded ferry is set to provide great awareness for the SPAR Partner, which has recorded strong growth and is developing new stores at a strong pace.
Source: DESPAR Sicily
Read more about SPAR Italy
About DESPAR Italy
SPAR International first granted a SPAR Brand licence to DESPAR Italy in 1959. The first store opened in the latter part of 1960 and with it, SPAR became the first partnership of retailers and wholesalers to operate in Italy. DESPAR Italy licenses regional partners, all of whom work together to grow the brand across the country.