Christmas of Solidarity: SPAR supports local charities in the festive season

December 21, 2021 IN THE CATEGORY: Community, Responsible retailing

Throughout the year, SPAR Partners worldwide have shown their support to local communities in many different ways. The season of giving is an opportunity to offer that little bit more to those in need, particularly during a year like this. Here we share some of these meaningful initiatives run by our global SPAR country organisations.

SPAR Hungary launches 25th Joy to Give campaign

In the run-up to Christmas, SPAR Hungary and the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service ran their 25th Joy to Give campaign this year. Customers were invited to buy donation cards in SPAR Hungary’s 146 stores and online shop to support people in need. Using these donation cards, the Maltese Charity Service will buy and deliver food packages to people in need right in time for Christmas.

SPAR operator Maiora donates 4,000 charity bags

For the second year in a row, SPAR regional operator Maiora has organised a food bag donation campaign to bring some needed support and a touch of joy to the most vulnerable community members. More than 4,000 jute sacks containing basic and long shelf life SPAR branded food items will be donated in 23 municipalities in Southern Italy regions. The food bags, prepared by SPAR retail store teams, are being handed over for distribution to volunteers at Caritas centres.

SPAR Switzerland’s Make a wish campaign

SPAR Switzerland has invited its customers to fill out wish cards instore or submit a wish online to support local charities or individuals. SPAR will select and grant a host of wishes right in time for Christmas, thereby donating over €72,000 to support those in need.

SPAR Slovenia donates toys to hospitalised children

As part of its traditional Christmas campaign, SPAR Slovenia has collected more than 120 different toys and donated them to three charitable organisations to cheer up children who will not spend the holidays at home due to medical treatment needs.

This year, the chosen charities are the Križemrok Humanitarian Society, helping children and families in need; the Viljem Julijan Society, dedicated to children suffering from rare diseases; and the Heroes of the 3rd floor, young hemato-oncology patients.

SPAR UK Partner donates hampers to Lancashire Mind

SPAR UK regional partner James Hall is marking the holiday season by donating a year’s supply of home starter hampers to charity Lancashire Mind. The donation will provide a helping hand to new tenants who are being supported by Lancashire Mind and are moving into one of the charity’s tenancy properties during 2022.

The hampers include a broad range of essentials to welcome tenants into their new homes, such as dried food staples, confectionery, and tinned foods, through to kitchenware, personal hygiene items, and cleaning products.

Source: SPAR Hungary, SPAR Italy, SPAR Switzerland, SPAR Slovenia, SPAR UK


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