SPAR Express rolls out at all Texaco forecourts in the Netherlands

January 11, 2018 IN THE CATEGORY: Store openings

After a successful pilot phase, SPAR Netherlands and EG Group, the operating company of Texaco service stations, have reached an agreement to rollout SPAR Express stores at all Texaco filling stations in the country.

The SPAR Express format was introduced to the Netherlands at the beginning of 2017 in partnership with the EG Group. The new forecourt stores will add to the existing SPAR City store developments in the country, which also focus on the combination of convenient, Food-to-Go products with daily grocery ranges.


130 new SPAR Express stores

From early 2018, a start will be made on the conversion of the whole Texaco network to the SPAR Express format, amounting to approximately 130 new stores. The plan is to re-brand two stores a week, in order to complete the conversion by mid-2019 at the latest.

The product range at SPAR Express stores in the Netherlands will reflect the location of each forecourt. In addition to Food-to-Go and bakery items, the offering will include home meal replacement products, salads and soups. The SPAR Express forecourt stores along motorways will focus mainly on Food-to-Go, while stores near residential areas will have a wider choice of everyday groceries in their assortment.

SPAR is already a large forecourt operator internationally. The brand’s global expertise has been taken into account in developing the Dutch SPAR Express stores. In the Netherlands, the SPAR Express format will be exclusively operated at Texaco forecourts, in accordance with the agreement between SPAR Netherlands and EG Group.

A big step for both parties

Commenting on the partnership, Jack Dolman, Managing Director of EG Retail Benelux said: “By choosing SPAR Express, we are joining forces with a strong and modern retail brand that has a keen focus on convenience. Together with our other brand partners such as Subway and Lavazza, we offer a strong proposition, one that meets the expectations of modern consumers at service stations in the Netherlands.”

SPAR is also pleased with the partnership, noted Sjaak Kranendonk, former Managing Director of SPAR Netherlands: “In EG Group SPAR has found an ambitious partner that trusts strong brands in order to make their service stations more relevant. With this partnership, SPAR’s store numbers are growing by at least 130, which will increase the visibility and awareness of the SPAR brand in the country.”

Read more news from SPAR Netherlands

About SPAR Netherlands

SPAR was founded in the Netherlands in 1932 by the Dutch wholesaler, Adriaan van Well and 16 independent retailers. It was established as a voluntary chain of grocers under the name “DESPAR”. By the end of the 1950s, SPAR was the largest food organisation in the Netherlands.

Today, the SPAR Partner continues to grow the brand in the country with a focus on high footfall locations. It has set a strong programme in place for the refurbishment of SPAR Supermarkets, the launch of new city stores and entry into forecourt retailing with the SPAR Express format.

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