Instead of producing cards which have a corporate look and feel, SPAR is pushing the boundaries by changing the style of their cards and introducing very engaging solutions for special occasions. By taking into account that emotion is behind the sentiment of every occasion card, a game-changing series of gift cards have been developed. Beginning with Mother’s Day, the launch was supported by a digital campaign #LoveYouMaa, celebrating the relationship between a mother and child. The cards resonate with all age groups and focus on the simple message ‘I love you Mom’.
SPAR’s CEO, Rajeev Krishnan shared his perspective on the gift card, saying, “India has long been a sleeping giant when it comes to the gift card industry and Mother’s Day is the perfect day to awaken it, as millions of people in India are searching for the perfect gift that says is it all. #LoveYouMaa was just what the gifting industry needed.”
In comparison to the sales generated through regular gift-cards, the Mother’s Day gift-cards initiative exponentially increased the overall sales. Many SPAR outlets experienced a mammoth jump in gift card sales, leveraging the untapped potential of Tier II markets.
SPAR India have been delighted with customer reactions to this latest concept, which is completely in keeping with their innovative approach to hypermarket retailing. It goes without saying that no matter what the occasion is, SPAR will have an engaging gift card available in all of their 18 stores.