Local & Sustainable Sourcing

SPAR is committed to providing customers with a wide range of fresh and dry goods that are locally and/or sustainably sourced. SPAR Partners across the globe continue to develop ways to provide customers with products that are produced under conditions with a reduced impact on the environment, promote animal welfare, and provide equal opportunities for farmers and fishermen.

Local Sourcing

Our focus on sourcing locally is aligned with our core values of community involvement. In committing to local sourcing agreements, we aim to provide farmers with long term stability and success whilst at the same time offering customers higher quality products. Through these mutually beneficial partnerships, we are also able to provide a more diverse range of fresh, long-life and frozen products as local suppliers have grasped opportunities to adopt innovative technologies for production and quality assurance. In acknowledging this, SPAR is continuously looking to support more local suppliers and provide them with similar opportunities to expand and grow their operations.

Sustainable Agriculture & Fisheries

In further reducing our environmental impacts, SPAR supports initiatives that emphasise sustainable agriculture and fishing practices. SPAR Partners across the globe are committed to sourcing sustainably certified food products, whether fresh or dry, and are continuously extending these commitments. Reflecting the widespread business operations, SPAR Partners have a number of certifications for their products, highlighting the continuous expansion of our fresh and dry own brand ranges with an eye towards a sustainable future.

SPAR Projects

We are also committed to making direct, positive social impacts in the agricultural sector of developing nations. In partnership with the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) and the Amsterdam Initiative against Malnutrition (AIM), we have committed to developing a project in South Africa around Rural Hub creation and are currently assessing possibilities for projects in Nigeria and India aimed at reducing post-harvest loss. Through these projects, we aim to provide equal opportunities for farmers, benefit the agricultural sectors by increasing harvest yields, and ultimately create self-sustaining industries.

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